Lost in Social Media

I am a late adopter of Social Media and when it comes to twitter and Facebook, I am lost. Each time I open my twitter or Facebook I am always taken aback by the amount of information/messages on my page. It have taken a fare chunk of my time just to screen through those messages to the one or two that may be important. I wonder if there are apps out there to help screen away those irrelevant messages and leave me with those that are truly important.

I am not surprise when we keep hearing the messages that government and non-profit organization constant fail to manage their social present and drive change/donation. With the amount of information may be the message just got loss in the noise. Does that means we should stop twitting or use Facebook? Not a chance there are those among us who are more proficient with the tools for them going without twitter or Facebook are like taking oxygen away from earth. But to the rest of us I think and believe it is not the amount of material you tweet it should be the message you relay. If the message hold meaning it is far more important than you don’t let it get loss by putting it out like noise.

At the end of the day, less can be more. Especially when resources are tight. I don’t mean bandwidth that had been increasing for the last few years and I don’t think your ISP will take that away especially when they can still made money from it. I mean ‘time’, seriously I rather seat myself down at the end of the day with a wee dram of Old Pulteney (Oops, I forget LCBO don’t carry that anymore, well I’ll have the Monkey Shoulder instead) than to sort through my tweeter. Someday I think those non-profit organization feel the same.